
Hello fellow community members and welcome to the NGINX Community Forum. We’re glad to have you here! If you’d like to introduce yourself to the community then reply to this topic with what you’d like us all to know about you.

I’ll start!

:wave: Hannah Ouellette, NGINX Community Manager
:green_heart: I’ve been with NGINX for over three years now
:people_holding_hands: Community is my passion. Besides making it my career, it’s also where I dedicate my time and energy outside of work
:horse: I spend much of my time with my horse, Sailor, and my pup, Maple
:duck: Certified silly goose, sometimes a funny duck. Please forgive my bad jokes


Hello, NGINX community looking forward to working with you all. I am especially interested in seeing all the interesting projects I hope folks will share with the community in our new gathering place.

:wave: Dylen Turnbull, NGINX Developer Advocate
:hourglass: I have been with NGINX for five years and F5 for 2 for a grand total of 7 years.
:floppy_disk: I am a pure tinker and technologist @ core. 26 years in the biz, I truly enjoy anything that runs on code from game dev to robotics/automation to 3d printing.
:honeybee: Besides my many tech and tinkering endeavours I also keep bees.
:joystick: Best way to distract me is talk about games and more importantly game development.


Hi there!

:wave: Jodie Putrino, NGINX Documentation Manager
:hourglass: I have been with F5 for nearly 10 years, 5 of which have been spent working on NGINX.
:page_facing_up: I believe in the power of great documentation.
:snowboarder: I live in Colorado and get out on the snow as often as I can.
:grin: I am an unabashed extrovert.


:wave: Brett Wolmarans, NGINX Outbound Product Manager
:green_heart: I’ve been with NGINX for over 2 years, with a total time at F5 of over 10 years
:people_holding_hands: I am pretty outgoing and will talk about NGINX a lot
:joystick: I miss Overwatch


:wave: to all

  • George Liu aka eva2000 from Brisbane, Australia.
  • Developed and creator of the LEMP stack, Centmin Mod since 2011 with my blend of Nginx, PHP-FPM, MariaDB MySQL on YUM/DNF based CentOS, AlmaLinux, Rocky Linux with support for various crypto libraries allow me to support additional features including Post-Quantum KEX :sunglasses: Helping to contribute to world wide Nginx usage Market share trends for web panels, February 2025 :nerd_face:
  • When not working on Centmin Mod, I help my clients keep their forum communities’ servers performing and scaling for traffic/growth. I’ve worked with some of the largest vBulletin and Xenforo forum based communities online :grinning:
  • I am also obsessed with web site page speed and server performance and I am also an official Cloudflare Community MVP since 2018 and Cloudflare customer since 2011. Similar to how Microsoft MVP works :nerd_face:

I am happy to finally see Nginx move off its own forums, though I am curious: why not just redirect old nginx forums to new forums instead of leaving it to die?


Hi, I’m Tatsuya Kaneko, also known as catatsuy from Japan.
I run nginx with HTTP/3 and HTTP/2 as a hobby.
I also work with web services and use nginx with Docker in some cases.
Recently, I’ve been maintaining nginx-build.
Let me know if you have any feedback! Thank you.


:wave: Micheal Kingston, NGIN Product Manager
:green_heart: I’ve been with NGINX for over 6 years, and have been a fan long before that! I live in Cork Ireland.
:people_holding_hands: I am looking forward to engaging with the community around NGINX!