About the Site Feedback category

If you have any feedback about this forum specifically, please let us know here!

Why we want feedback organized here:

  • It’s easiest to organize in one main location, and staying on the platform while we make tweaks is efficient
  • The topics are a lasting record for decisions and discussions
  • It adds transparency and aids collaboration in the process
  • It’s good practice for using Discourse

How we want feedback:

  • Create a topic in this category and let us know your bug, error, thoughts, appreciations, etc
  • Tag your topic (makes filtering easier!)
  • Add screenshots where possible. Folks on here have slightly different views so screenshots help everyone see what you’re seeing
  • Check out other feedback posts and chime in if relevant

Types of feedback:

  • Let us know if something is confusing or too unintuitive to you, whether that’s basic site functionality, the way we’ve set up categories and tags, or any of our explanation posts
  • Have a suggestion or feature request? The forum is incredibly customizable so there’s a very good chance we can make something magic happen for you
  • If you really like the way something is set up currently, letting us know is useful so that we think twice before changing the setting or workflow

Thank you!

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Please add development tags (e.g. “code”, “module”) to the Content Share section.

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Sure! That can help people sort through the content topics based on interest. I’ve gone ahead and added a few. Thanks for the suggestion!