Maybe put notice in that new member should come here?

Folks - great new forum.

Please provide notice to all new comers signing up to old forum OR close it to READ ONLY? Just an idea.
BTW the letsencrypt has expired on the old forum - just so you know


Hi @dev4openid ! Great idea - it’s actually something we’ve been working on.

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Bit late :wink:

seems the ssl cert on expired 3 weeks ago!

Hi George! I believe @Dylen has reached out to you with more information to keep it clean. I promise we’re working actively to sort out a solution here – there’s a bit more behind the hood than it seems.

Edit to add more information: The old NGINX forum was owned and maintained by an external community member. We have reached out to him and haven’t heard back. We are exploring solutions to mitigate the lack of updated credentials as well as signal that this is going to be main NGINX forum (owned and maintained by NGINX) moving forward. This new forum is also a replacement for our community Slack which will close next month.

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Cheers @heo

Ah that’s news, I signed up for Nginx Slack too but haven’t logged in much as I prefer forums over chat - easier to search and find discussions :slight_smile:

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So do we! This is one of our main reasons for switching. We want people to find answers without having to sign up, but more importantly, we want people to actually find the answers at all :wink:


Amen ! :grinning: :nerd_face:

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